Delia walks 100 Miles in her 80th year to raise funds for the Mill

Delia walks 100 Miles in her 80th
year to raise funds for the Mill

Our friend Delia, a local resident and
champion of Coldharbour Mill’s work, has embarked on a 100-mile local walk in
order to celebrate her 80th year and in order to raise funds for Coldharbour Mill in May, and other local causes throughout the rest of 2024.

We are so grateful that Delia has
decided that she will be raising funds for Coldharbour Mill Trust throughout
her May walks and she will be setting out from Coldharbour Mill on 1st

This is what Delia said about her walk:

are off again during May – my little celebrity companion, (TTT) who rides in
the pouch on my backpack and I are walking another 100 miles locally raising
funds for our important local historic Mill.

Seems suddenly, I find myself in my 80th year and so having reached this
milestone I would really like to celebrate my many blessings and am so grateful
that I am able to ‘walk with a purpose’.

As always, my little companion who rides in the pouch on my backpack
accompanies me.  He is a very well-travelled little bear particularly in
Scotland and around this local area.  His main claim to fame however is
when he accompanied a trio of cyclists who rode from London to Glasgow to
attend COP 26 summit in Glasgow in November 2021.

I had read the book ‘Cold Hands, Warm Heart’ by Tess Burrows and was so amazed
by her story of courage and adventurous determination that I contacted
her.  Since then we have kept in touch and I wondered if she would take my
little companion with her to Glasgow on the back of her bike!  What a
story he would have to tell!

I was delighted when she said she would take him and indeed it was she who
named him TTT – Team Together Ted! Hence, I feel very honoured to have him as a
little companion on my various fund-raising travels. 

So, we will be pleased to be able to
walk again for the Mill and particularly if the weather is a little more
amenable than it has been in recent weeks.”

We want to send a huge
thank you to Delia (and TTT!)

If you wish to sponsor Delia on her walk you can donate via the button or
if you wish to donate in cash this can be dropped in to the Grist Mill Café Bar.
Cheques can be made out to Coldharbour Mill Trust Ltd

‘Team Together Ted’ in his packet – ready for the 100 mile walk

Delia on her 2023 walk

Catch up diary (1) on 100 mile walk for Coldharbour Mill

 Wednesday 1st May and we were hoping to start the walk this morning especially after the rather nightmarish weather we have been experiencing, so we started by meeting at the Mill for coffee to see how the weather was going to plan out.   

 Having enjoyed our coffee and chat, I decided to chance our luck although the sky didn’t look too promising.  We can cope with rain if we really have to, but definitely can’t deal with the possibility of thunder and lightening.  Actually, it would have been very easy to have remained seated and then wandered home having scanned the black clouds and threatening skies, but decided to make a move in the hope and faith we would make it around the circuit.  

 It was with great relief that we made our first 8 miles safely and it turned out to be quite a pleasant walk.  The small woodland area in Willand is now white with wild garlic scenting the air and the small weir is still very much in full spate.  It is interesting to think that this section of the river is such a short distance away from the Culm in Uffculme.   Even walking through the Hitchcocks estate the trees are so heavily laden with their beautiful spring-time blossom. 

 So, the first 8 miles have been safely completed and am pleased we chanced the weather and didn’t let it stop us – this time!    

 We will be back very soon with the next report. 


Delia and TT

Catch up diary (2) for
100 mile walk for Coldharbour Mill

Tuesday 7th May
and the strange old weather is still playing tricks with the seasons.  I
cautiously looked at the sky to try and sense it’s mood and decided to make a
start and see how we fared.  

Five miles into the walk
and all was well – thankfully! so decided to carry on and notch up the 10
miles. 35 miles completed so far and hope to make better progress this

Will be back to report
progress a bit later.




Catch up diary (3) on 100 mile walk for Coldharbour Mill

Since our last catch-up we have experienced a mini-heatwave for 3 or 4 days but it is now Monday 13th May and it has rained all day resulting in wet and bedraggled waterproofs and, for the first time, ‘leaking’ shoes!  I have been waiting for it to happen I have to say, and after they have kept my feet dry for well over 2 ½ thousand miles, plus ‘normal’ wear, it is now going to force me into Exeter to reluctantly replace them!

I am thankful TTT doesn’t have any of these problems!  – so is he! 

During the mini-heatwave, it was wonderful to step out of the front door wearing sandals and shorts, and not have to consider ‘do I take ….. ?’, but just be able to go!

These were the few days when the wonderful natural world looked vibrant with the young leaves on the trees a glorious shade of vivid green and shining in the bright sunlight.   The ‘candles’ on the horse chestnut trees proudly displaying their delicate colours so intricately designed before they are replaced by the seeds of the next generation.   How incredible nature is.

Whilst taking a few moments to drink in the healing silence and watch the river making it’s way along the valley, I was fortunate to capture the brief visit of an Egret searching for it’s mid-day snack.        

Tuesday 14th, and our total mileage is now 71 so not too much further to go until I can report ‘Mission Accomplished’. 

Delia and TTT


Final ‘diary’ (4) for Delia’s 100 mile walk for Coldharbour Mill

It has certainly been a bit of a challenge weather-wise to complete the last few miles this week. 

On Thursday we set out to do a longer circuit as there were only 19 miles to do, but the weather looked very unsure of itself and so thought we could try and knock a few miles off.  Walked just over 2 miles, and watching the sky which showed unfriendly signs, decided to catch the bus home as one happened to be due.  Thankfully I made the right decision as just minutes after arriving home, it started raining and then carried on for the rest of the afternoon!   Oh dear!! 

Thankfully Friday was a bit better and we were able to complete 10 miles, so only another 10 to do.  One lovely little bright spot which caught my eye was a wonderful golden fungus growing on a tree stump very close to the ground, and hidden in the undergrowth.  It was such a brilliant colour in the depths of the dark surroundings.

Saturday 18th – was really looking forward to completing today, but ……. it was not meant to be!   However, we did manage to walk 5 1/2 miles before there was yet another downpour (just after we arrived home – again!)   Thought about venturing around another 5 miles after lunch but as thunder was forecast, decided to call it a day and hope we can finish on Monday.   It is all a bit frustrating but feel the weather patterns are going to be more challenging with climate change, and we must learn to deal with it and adapt accordingly.  

So, here’s to the last 5 miles in the next couple of days!  Sunday 19th – it was such a beautiful morning I felt it would be good to get out, so left home about 9 am to get this 5 miles finished.  It was perfect – sun, blue sky and lovely breeze and – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED – finally!  102 miles completed – and thank you for your donations to help our historic Mill.

Wild Garlic in the Woodland

Springtime Blossom

Springtime Blossom

A snacking Egret

Golden Fungus