Coldharbour Mill's Summer Fayre

Sunday 28th July 2024 | 11am – 4pm

We are excited to announce the return of our Summer Fayre!
Join us on the 28th July for stunning craft stalls, entertainment & food!

The Summer fair is open from 11am until 4pm with a suggested donation of £2 for non-members and Members of the Mill come free.
Parking is FREE in our visitor car park.

 We will have a huge selection of stalls inside the Mill and outside in our Mill Yard & Paddock.
Additional food options will be available as well as a selection of entertainment throughout the day:

Ukulele Group
Raddon Hill Clog Morris Dancers
& more….


Looking to book a market stall? Send us an enquiry below.

A selection of previous stall holders:

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