Coldharbour Mill’s Strategic Review

“probably one of the best-preserved textile mill complexes in the country. It retains the full range of buildings and power system features which characterised the development of the 19th century textile mill with much of the machinery that was used at the site in the 20th century.” – Historic England

This year we are celebrating 40 years as a Museum and next year in 2022 we will be celebrating 225 years of Coldharbour Mill.

The Staff and Trustees at Coldharbour Mill Trust are working through the process of a strategic review. It had been increasingly difficult to secure resources to maintain our heritage pre-pandemic, which is no different to many, many other heritage sites. Then having been faced with the challenge of guiding the trust through a pandemic and into a world which will be very different, it is important we review the strategic direction for the Trust for a long and sustainable future and to balance this against the change in the heritage landscape we have seen in the last year.

This process will involve a wide range of contributors ranging from our staff and volunteers to our visitors, neighbours, community, special interest groups and all other stakeholders of Coldharbour Mill Trust, and we have reached the point where we need more voices to join the conversation to broaden relevance to drive sustainability.

Our Board and Staff meet regularly not only to guide the Trust through the here and now, and the many challenges we are all facing, but to discuss the mission and vision of Coldharbour Mill Trust and we have developed new statements which encapsulate what we feel the Trust is now and what we aspire to be to secure this historic site for another 200 years.

As a leading industrial heritage site, Coldharbour Mill’s mission is to educate and inspire future generations.
Our vision is to be innovative with our heritage in developing a relevant and sustainable future for Coldharbour Mill.

Though only short, these are the words on which the larger strategy will be built and we hope that our contributors feel that these are both realistic, aspirational and inspirational.

On the back of this the next phase of our work is to consult as many current or potential stakeholders as possible to ensure we have a broad view of the Mills future potential.

What are we asking?
Heritage estates and museums are costly to run. In order for Coldharbour Mill to thrive and deliver a sustainable future, we need to diversify and find new ways of increasing participation and generating income. We want to develop the Mill with the support and involvement of the community, our supporters, our visitors and anyone who already has or could have a connection with the Mill.

Whether you are a long-standing supporter, or someone who has yet to visit; whether you live locally, many miles away, or are an organisation, community or special interest group we value your opinion on the potential future of Coldharbour Mill.

With that in mind we ask you to complete the questionnaire by clicking the button below. This should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

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