A Sad Goodbye

A Sad Goodbye

Today Coldharbour Mill says a sad goodbye to Susan Meads who passed away on 12th July 2020 at the age of 83.

Susan spent over 30 years involved with Coldharbour Mill playing an instrumental part of our Trustee Board from it’s inception. She played a vital role in the transition from a trust to  an incorporated body following the financial crisis of 2008/09 and then again in 2011 and she remained on the Board until 2016.

The Survival of the charity had been in no small part due to Susan’s wealth of experience, skillset and contacts.

Susan had an exceptional whit with a thirst for life which saw her fulfil a lifelong ambition of a World Cruise in her late 70s and she made sure to keep her fellow trustees updated with her escapades by email as she sailed the world.

We are very sad to hear of her passing and will look back with fondness at the care and support she gave to Coldharbour Mill.


Martin Halse – Chief Executive