Important Notice: Continued Closure
In common with many other museums, visitor attractions and heritage sites the current Pandemic has had a huge impact on life at Coldharbour Mill with the enforced closure hitting just as we were preparing to re-open for our season back in March.
Now that government guidelines have been put in place to allow for the re-opening of organisations such as ours, we are starting the process of preparing for the return of our staff, volunteer teams and visitors. This process is challenging for smaller charities like ourselves and we will need to raise approximately £12,000 to become Covid-19 compliant for visitors. We are also starting to take our first tentative steps to re-engage our volunteer teams.
Volunteers are at the heart of Coldharbour Mill and the work that we do here. They are also vital in running the mill on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in progressing the many projects which were put on hold due to the pandemic. Some of these are projects which it is important to progress further with before we can allow visitors back as they are pivotal to our visitor offering and are not yet fit for public display.
In light of the current situation, the Trustees and Staff of Coldharbour Mill believe that we need to continue to focus on reintegrating our volunteer teams into the Mill and aim to complete some of the ongoing projects whilst raising funds to enable the safe return of visitors.
The decision has been made not to re-open for the remainder of 2020 as we are beyond halfway through our season, and to come back in a stronger position in 2021. We are aiming to be re-open for Easter 2021.
We want to thank everyone who has supported Coldharbour Mill through this difficult time and we hope that you will all continue to support the Mill into the future.
If you would like to donate to our emergency appeal please visit
We hope to see you all at the Mill when we welcome you back in 2021!
Thank you.
Martin Halse. Chief Executive.